
College Stories: Nyquil Night

“I’m lucky to still have my shirt on.”
That is what I heard from a girl with a bad cold and a sensitivity to medicines and alcohol. At the time, I was watching two guys playing pool and the girl, I shall call her E, walked in carrying a box of Kleenex and a jug of water.
Through the course of the game, E was talking about her experiences with alcohol and that she had recently taken a dose of Nyquil. It was at this time that she made the comment about her shirt. A little later, she told the guys playing pool that she would have sex with whoever won the game on the pool table. It made the game very interesting.
When the game was won, he revealed to us that sex is worth getting a cold. The night went on that way for about two hours, ending at about 2 o’clock.

AUTHOR ’S NOTE : The story you have just read is 100% true. Those who are curious should know that no sex took place, that I know of.

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