
Party Of One

I called out and heard no answer.I reached out and felt no hand.My streak of luckiness had faded away,and I was left alone,gasping for air,reaching out my one hand for support from anyone who could see me.I remember,there were people all around me—-but not living people.I was dangling from high above,I shook my head and the people faded away.I needed to find a way to get up.But no one could help me now.My grasp was slipping away,and one last yell was all I could muster.I could remember is was like is was all in slow motion,slowly falling,falling from the ground that once held my hand.But it then seemed to go back to normal pace and I remember looking down,down at the ground below me, opening my mouth but no sound was heard.I hit the ground and my thoughts stopped,and so did my heart.When I opened my eyes,I saw a hand reach out to me.I looked up to see whose face it was.It was him.I remembered when I fell in love with him.But I knew where I was now, and who I was going to spend the rest of eternity with.

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