
Choose Me (LA Series)

She laided in his arms, quiet and peaceful thinking to herself,
I gotta get out of this relationship. It cant be me and her! It can only be me or her. She was only placed in our relationship to spice it up and not replace me.
She struggled to get up but subconsciously he grabbed her tighter.

See, everytime I try to leave him or back up from him, he grabs me tighter and that makes me feel wanted but respected. I wish you would listen to me and hear my true voice. My true voice wants you to leave her and keep me, you dont need both, I can satisfy you in every dimension and almost everyway, if you could only hear me. She thought.

She turned over to see him, gentle moved his arms from around her waist and she slipped out of his sheets. She slipped her clothes on, and left his bedroom. Walking into the kitchen, to glance at the reflection of the microwave to see her face bottled up with tears.

Don’t cry Laura Ann, keep it all in. He will notice, I’m upset, he’ll notice. As she started to cry.

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