
My doggy.

She stood by the door waiting. Her game was outside but needed my approval in order to run rampant and chase after it.

“Is there a reason you want out?” I teased her as i approached. I knew she loved what was awaiting her.

The night before was particularly cold and the clouds could tell the whole story. Snow showered down.

As I approached, she jumped up from her seat. Running circles around me knowing full well what was about to happen. I opened the door and the cold air rushed at the both of us. She cherished it while shivers sprinted down my body.

The click of the chain was all she needed to be free. It echoed off the frozen walls and her prey heard. She ran full speed into the yard chasing after what she wanted. The wind changed and that did not help her, it blew her prize away. But that did not stop her.

I stood inside, thankful for the warmth and for her. I saw she stopped, then suddenly leap into the air and caught a snowflake. She looked at me with a grin, covered in snow. She won.

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