
My Place, For Now, Is Here

Tomorrow I get to actually see one of my ideas come to fruition!

After my supervisor came back into the office, my co-worker and I sat down with her and talked about the flow of the work and the atmosphere of the office and how it made us uncomfortable. I was glad my coworker did most of the talking, because I was afraid I’d put my foot in my mouth. The supervisor genuinely listened, and made some changes that proved effective. She also shared the reasons behind the work we were doing for her and it really is important! Although I still felt inexperienced, I felt better than when I originally walked out of the office.
But it really unnerves me to think that even with my degree, I am not experienced enough to take on a position like hers. I seriously have doubts in the back of my mind whether I really should be in this field. Maybe I should go back to school and get a second degree…

But for now, I feel happy that my supervisor listened and will use one of my ideas! And I will observe and learn from her.

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