

Her breath tickled the back of my neck, sending strange sensations down my spine. Ordinarily, a woman breathing on my neck drives me crazy, but when the breather is determined to separate your head from the rest of you, it kind of kills the mood. Not all the way, however, leading to some unusual sensations making their way down to my nether regions.

As I stood there deep in introspection, examining the unusual combination of feelings I was experiencing, I felt something warm and wet drip onto my shoulder.

That was the last straw. I can stomach a lot of things, but vampire slobber is not one of them. I turned my head slightly in her direction. “Look, either bite me and get it over with, or let me go, would ya? Don’t just stand there and drool on me.â€?

She answered me with an evil-sounding laugh. “Don’t rush me, Finn.â€?

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