

Don’t touch me. Don’t even breathe too hard. I’d tell you why, but you wouldn’t believe me. You look at me and you see just another person, but you’ve never met anyone like me.

Every day there is less of me no matter how hard I try to maintain myself. Every day I make the wrong movement or touch the wrong thing or maybe it’s as simple as a gust of wind. I just keep thinking one day something will happen and I’ll just get blown away.

I can’t explain what happened to me. I don’t have an origin. It would have been nice if I woke up with powers one day and I could be some sort of hero in this world. Instead, my fate is decided every day bit by tiny bit.

It doesn’t matter how much you care or how much you want to be with me. We can never touch. You can never feel my skin. Some people are psychic or maybe they can stick to walls or even fly, but me? I am nothing at all. I am the Ash Man.

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