

What if I said that I wasn’t going to be around any longer? What if I said that I didn’t approve of what your doing? What if I said that I thought that this path your on was the wrong one? What would you do if I tried to help you? What would I do when you protested that you didn’t need help? What would you do if I left you?

What would I do if I had no one left? What would happen if I went my own way? What would happen if I got lost again? What would you do? What would you, my friends & guides, do? How would you handle me?

I want to be rebellious. I want to be an individual. I want to be free. I want to shed this layer of conformity and release my layer, my own hue of me. But what would be the consequences of those actions? How come I can’t be myself? How come I keep thinking that ‘they won’t like me’ and ‘what will they think’?

Everyone in my life wants me to be something different; is pointing me towards a different goal. Everyone wants to see me end somewhere different. How can I be me?

Just me. me.

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