
Which Truth?

How about the one where, yes, her caller would find love but the boyfriend will turn out to be a controlling bastard and in a rush of rage, poison his dog to punish him for trying to leave? Clara couldn’t see the end of that one, but knew it wouldn’t be pretty. Or the one where the new boyfriend – a different one, met at a different bar- is amazingly sweet, but allergic to Cleopatra? Or maybe the possibility that…. Because the one truth is that there isn’t just one truth.

“Love is on the horizon, but remember that a pretty face isn’t everythingâ€?, she warns the caller. “Take your time and things will come out right. You must never ever buy rat poison. All puppies chew furniture, and she should be finished with that stage in mid-May. You won’t need to get rid of her.â€? Clara gave a mental snort. Anyone could have told her caller that, the idiot. It amazed her sometimes what people would pay to ask, and what went unasked.

“Oh, and your bus pass is under the futonâ€?, she added.

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