
Watching the Possibilities Go Round

I’m laying on the carpet in an empty room watching the fan go round. This is the fiftieth or sixtieth house we’ve looked at today. Okay, maybe not so many.

Mom’s talking to realtor about the school district. How different could it be from my last 3 elementary schools? You go. There are kids. Some of them suck; some are cool. I wind up hanging out with ones that sort of suck.

My eyes stray from the fan to the empty room. The carpet is pristine. The walls are bare. A big fireplace takes up half of one wall. Bookshelves are set into the opposite wall, but there are no books. We could put dad’s records there, with family photos. Yep, lots of possibilities.

That’s what life is all about, possibilities. A new house, a new city, new friends, and new everything. We can make of it all whatever want, at least for the next two years until we start the whole process over again. The world goes around, and we keep moving.

So, I’m laying on the floor in a room of possibility watching the fan go round.

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