

I called again.
“Heeey” Jack answered.
Damn it!... Oh Well…
“Tell Ashley it wasn’t a threat… it was the truth. Oh, and sorry ‘bout kicking your ass.”
I hung up. I’m sooooo tired of getting yelled at. So what now? Do I really kill myself? Or do I just forget about Ashley? Should I ask a girl out? Where we over? Was this just another fight, or the end?
I’m so messed up.
Why did I chose her? Why? She won’t answer my calls…
It’s just like the God Damn summer!
Did she really care? Do I have to care if she cares? What if we both care?
Why do I care?
Can’t we just talk it out?
How come no matter how much I bust my ass for her, she just throws it back in my face and blames me?
In yelled out and cursed out of rage.

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