
The Notes, pt. 2

He would be here any minute.
Quickly, she opened the second drawer and pulled out the soft-looking deep red tablecloth. She draped it luxuriously over the scratched wooden surface of her kitchen table and set up two gold candles right in the center. Hurriedly, she set out the china and silverware. 7:44.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips. Tonnie reached back and untied her apron, pulling it over her head. The shiny black cocktail dress was still in good condition, thankfully. She stashed the dusty apron and sat down at one end of the table, crossing her legs as sexily as she knew how.
Now she just had to wait.
Tonnie frowned and uncrossed her legs. A flash of neon orange caught her eye on the fridge. She stood up and walked over.
A Post-It note. Hmm.
Alex’s graceful, even handwriting flowed across the tiny square.

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