
Motorcycle Greg

There was the boy my mother described as the “Do Not Date Guy”. His thin hand unclipped his helmet as he jupped off his motorcycle. He saw me. I gave him a quick smile to let him know I was interested. He walked over towards me with good posture and a smug way of walking.
“Hey I’m Greg.” He said in a clear voice, quite different than one would expect his voice would sound like.
“Hi…I’m Sammie.”
“Cool…umm I know this is the first time we have ever met but me and some of my friends…we’re sophmores, we’re having a begininng of school party at High Fidelity. You know the club downtown. Umm…want to come woth me.” Greg talked with such truth in his words, such genuine that I couldn’t take him for the many guys who say that to get down and dirty.
“Sure. I’d love to. By the way, I’m a freshman. So you don’t mind a younger woman?”
“Nah. I just like the cute ones.” He walked away after he gave me a small wink. I sqeezed my hands into a fist. Screw my mom. College was for trying new things. Right?

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