
His Addiction Calling

He stared at it. “I dont need it!”
He stared at it.
So rich in color, with it glass stem, and that smooth white top, a truly tasting drink. A bold drink, that would relax me… that would eliminate my stress, make me forgot about everything. It would let me be free and loose without a worry in the world.
He stared at it.
Just one kiss of it on my lips
He stared at it.
I want to let it drip down my throat, melt all the pain away
He stared at it, his hands started to tremble, as he sat in the room, alone.
I need it. No one has to know
He stared at it.
Just one little bit of its love can make feel escape.

Then his daughter walked in.
“No daddy. Dont do it.”

He snapped back into reality.
“I dont want you to drink.”

Then his older son walked in and took the Brandy (alcohol) away.
“You dont need this. Stay sober for not just me but for her, dad.”

He looked at her.
She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
“I love you daddy.

“I’m sorry guys. I love you too!”

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