
Time is an Illusion

“No,” she replied.

“Have a seat,” he said. “I’ll be right back.” He walked back inside, closing the doors to the balcony as he stepped into the kitchen. She walked to the outer edge of the stone terrace, staring at the moon which hung above the ocean like a giant pill. She turned as he tapped on the door for help.

“I’m sorry,” she said, opening the door. “The view from your balcony is magnificent. What were we talking about?”

“Attraction,” he said smiling. He poured a cup of tea and handed it to her. “The law of attraction that is.”

“Yes, what is this law, Vikram? Love?”

“In some ways. The law of attraction is a prevailing law of the universe which attracts into your life those things to which you give your thoughts and focus. It is an ancient law, used by many great men to gain power, wealth, and love.”

“Interesting,” she said.

“Yes – like this moment, for example. A common theme throughout the book is that time is an illusion – that this moment is now and always has been reality.”


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