
3:05 Train

“Oh Thank You!” Lavern had dropped a package; she was rushing to catch the 3:05 train. She bends over and grab for the bag when her eyes lock with the most purest of blue eyes she had every saw. He looked her in the eyes and she just felt spring rushing up her legs.

He was blond and blue eyes, no doubt Swedish. They both stood up togather her eyes still looking into his when he handed her back the package she had dropped. “Your welcome” she smiled at him gently, he said “Hello” she pulled her hair back behind her ear and said “Hello” they both stood there waiting for the train to come, when he grabbed her arm and said, “You are beautiful” she felt weak at the knee’s her lip quivering as he pulled her from getting on the train. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” Trying to compose her self and say yes, she said “Yes!”

“My name is Devon, I am visiting the United States.” she kept running over and over in her mind long walks, moon light dinners, special trips, this would work. “My name is Lavern.”

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