
Setting Up The Coffee Shop [Fritz and Zooey challenge]

Zooey never liked older men that way, but here was Reid. His arms bulging as he hefted boxes of coffee cups up from the coffee shop basement. He was shining with sweat and probably stank, but he had a nice butt. His unshaven face looked somehow debonair. She blindly reached inside the sink and grabbed a cup.

Fritz refused to even be in the room as the poor defenseless coffee cups were submitted to 120 degree soapy torture. He was only too glad these weren’t mugs from his personal collection.

Reid sat and took a long drink from his cool bottled water (!) and wiped his face with his sleeve, then left to get another box.

Zooey suddenly realized she had been washing the cup with her best scarf!

Fritz was arranging tables and chairs, listening to the jukebox playing. Nasa had come over too. He was helping Fritz, pausing only to point and laugh at Zooey. She was almost over him. He was still nice to look at, but had this quirky way of catching Zooey doing something embarrassing.

Like washing with a scarf.

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