
F+Z challenge: Fritz and Nasa's Story...

Nasa sat on the couch next to Fritz as casually as possible. God! He is so hot! Nasa thought to himself. Zooey had convenientely gone out to get the wine so it was just the two of them.
“So…” Fritz tried to start a conversation-and failed.
“Do you want to play a game?” Nasa asked, hoping this worked.
“Sure!” Fritz loved games.
“Ok, it’s called ‘slaps’, we put our hands together palm to palm and if i hit your hand then i get to give you a consequence and if you hit mine you have to give me one.”
“What’s a consequence?”
“Some kind of punishment,” Nasa replied with a mischeivous grin. “Ready?” Fritz nodded and they put their palms together. “Go!” Nasa said and with practiced speed hit the top of Fritz’s hand; he giggled triumphantly. Fritz sighed and closed his eyes waiting for his punishment. He was surprised to feel a pair of warm, soft, wet lips pressing eagerly against his own He tensed at first and then relaxed into the kiss letting it grow more heated He was enjoying himself until Zooey walked in

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