
The Diner Diaries: Alex Continues His Story

“I would say you’re making this up, but I’m pretty sure I’d be wrong,” Madge said, snickering at Alex’s enthusiasm.

“So yeah,” Alex breathed excitedly, “We told her we were going to go to the mall really quick and be back, but we never came back.”

“Shocking…” Joe muttered.

“And then like two hours later,” Alex continued, “She calls us wondering what happened. So, we told her we got in a car accident and that Ryan was in the hospital and we couldn’t hang out. So, get this, their whole family like loads up all their kids and goes down to the hospital!!!” At this point Alex is shrieking and giggling uncontrollably with the hilarious aspect of the situation. Madge and Joe can only watch him partially amused, yet partially horrified.

“So yeah,” Alex says after he controls himself, “They go down to the hospital, and we arent there, and so they figure out we were lying. And yeah, thats it. After that Ryan and I went and got really drunk, and now I’m here.”

“Lucky us,” Madge said sarcasticallly.

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