
Atypicality, Typically

The sky paled quickly as the sun detached itself from the horizon. The last glints of red skittered along the water and were gone.

I looked around at the unfamiliar location. I stood on a strange metallic platform just above the water’s surface. Endless ocean to the north and east. Fog-obscured beach houses to the south and west.

Wispy clouds drifted precisely one hundred and sixty meters above. A dark shape hovered just above.

With a touch to my belt, I was flying. The air rushed past with a windy roar and my jacket flapped wildly.

I circled around, gaining altitude. Though the clouds and far above. I looked downwards and gasped.

The Hindenburg!

I alighted on the hull, my shoes clicking loudly against its surface. Plywood, by the sound of it. Better than metal, flesh, stone, or rubber, but still not quite right.

I strode towards an open hatch and prepared to hop down.


I froze in mid-air and the world went gray.

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