
Don't Question Me; Teach Me!

I’m barely paying attention. But then again, it’s the first day of school, so not much is going to happen. The teachers are just stalling for time cause they procrastinated over the summer just like we did. I didn’t expected junior high to be any different.

” get to know you,” I hear Mrs. Habberd say. The tone of voice sounds like an assignment is involved. When you space out as often as I do you learn to key into tone of voice and phrases that mean you should pay attention, or at least ask the guy next to you what you missed.

Before I know it, pieces of paper are being handed out. Now, I don’t want to sound full of myself, but this crap is beneath me. Name, birthday, siblings, favorite color. Who is she trying to kid here? How does that help my education?

What is my favorite color anyway? Odds are most boys will put blue, and the girls will put pink or purple. Why be normal? I’ll put green, just cause it’s different, and I’ll stick to it. That’s me, odd and green, not easy, but it’s me.

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