
The Locket ~ prologue

“Immortality,â€? Armand pondered, his clear blue eyes sparkling. He gazed incredulously at the old gypsy woman. She had a strange aura about her as she lay among the Egyptian quilts.
“Yes. A whole eternity to do as the heart desires,â€? she said in a gravelly tone with an inflection Armand did not understand. Her impatience grew as the young boy stared. So full of life, she thought greedily. I must have his essence, his youth.
Armand took the heart-shaped locket the old woman held out to him. Her red eyes danced as he held the strong crystal shape.
“Do you remember the key?â€? The gypsy asked breathlessly. Armand nodded as he spun the delicate letters around the locket’s clasp to spell the four -letter word. With a final click, the locket burned red in Armand’s hands.
“And the final step,â€? the old woman mouthed as she handed him the dagger.

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