
Hit in the Dark

Dad and I are unloading the van of my sister’s stuff, she is moving in with us. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and look to my left across the street. At first all I see is the glint of the streetlight in her eyes in the dark. I realize that it is a dog, and not just any dog, it is our neighbor’s seeing eye dog, a German Shepard, coming to greet us. Her gate has been blown open by the wind.

I look behind me to see a van coming quickly down the street. I screamed but it was too late. I hear the screeching of wheels as the van hits the dog head on. I hear the horrible yelping of a dog in terrible pain. She runs away the best she can to the wrong side of the neighbor’s house and tries to get over the gate, back to the safeness of the backyard. She isn’t letting anyone near her until her owner comes out, guided by my mother, to calm her. They take her inside, she is bleeding nonstop and isn’t letting her back leg touch the ground. My mother and her owner rush her to the nearest animal hospital.

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