
sequel to Lost appitite.

“where to now “flyboy?” the ex-virgin asked the dragon.
“Our adventures have just begun,” he quipped.
“How did he tase,”asked Morganette
“Who?” clearing his throat, “Oh you mean the duke?”
Flames and fumes razed the forest below them as the dragon roared with laughter. He took them up higher.
“you got to stop doing that “flyboy” said Morganette, “Innocent people might get hurt down there…..and oh by the way I see you have regained your appitite.
Morganette was surprised at the fortitude of the dragon. Only five hours ago she was the so-called virgin sacrifice, and scared out of her wits by the proaspect of being eaten, now she was above the clouds, free, and her enemy vanquised. THis life held promise.
She sighed contentedly, but not for long. she already knew that the dragon had her heart and she his. But also their lives would be full of danger. Their story had just begun…........

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