
Don't: I Remember This... (Pt 4)

What could possibly defend me and my pride from this sadistic boy. That was just it, he was still a boy. He shouldn’t be able to do this, but still my mind was at a stand-still. One said to me that he shouldn’t be doing this and that I should be speaking out and making him stop and fighting back. But the other said that he was going to stop and don’t make a bigger fool of myself and he didn’t mean it. I was desperate to find out the truth, but from all of this I couldn’t think straight. Even my teachers noticed as my grades slipped and I was quieter…and my friends, they noticed too. But no, I was not going to make this worst. At least he wasn’t hurting me physically,ok that wasn’t true. Everytime he slammed me on the wall, my sides ached as well as when he poked them with his surprisingly long nails. And when he humped against me, my back was being rubbed wrong…and when ok ok. Forget that. The point is that I just can’t tell. This has to be my secret because I know it’s going to end anyway. Right?

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