
Tear Stained Paper

They say you a punk if you cry, well I guess Im the biggest punk in the world.Man,I shed tears for the most unselfish reasons;I guess Im a cry baby huh?Naw,I shed tears for my brother and my sister because nine times out of ten my pops is gonna die before they get a chance to know him.He been smokin dope every since I was an infant and he still smokes now.I shed tears for my cousins because they both got ten years for something that couldve been avoided.I shed tears for that lil angel we buried in a pink dress,I cry because she didnt even get to see adult hood.I cry for my lil cousin because she lets her anger flow from her fist,those fist are gonna lead to hand cuffs around her wrist.Most of all I shed tears for my enemies,because theyre wasting valuable time from their life trying to bring me down.I aint writin this to see what everybody thinks or if they agree,honestly I can careless.Im just putting my tears on paper so that maybe my pain can be seen on this tear stained paper.

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