
Maybe I'm Not Ready

The school campus was huge. There were quiet rooms, art. rooms, music rooms, play rooms, and classrooms. The playground was full of multi-sensory equipment; textures, sounds, colors.

The principal would be meeting with us soon.

She was immaculate in her business suit. I felt underdressed. She introduced herself, gave Jay some toys to play with and we discussed the school, Jay’s life, and the next step; a test of Jay’s skills.

They took Jay into a special room with one of those one-sided windows. I sat on the other side to observe his testing. This was little comfort. I hoped he would do well, but I also hoped he would fail so I could keep him near me.

He showed them everything! He sat still long enough to point at a few pictures, then they let him play. He enjoyed this, it was a game to him. Then it was back to something academic. They never touched his body, only his hands, and he didn’t shy away. Work, play, work, play; a pattern he could follow. My boy!

Tears of joy and sorrow flowed down my face.

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