
My Music flowing... 1 & 2 & 3 & 4!

1 & 2 & 3 & 4.
My hearts beats to the rhythm of my tears,
My fears bouncing on the rhythm of the heart beats,
Breathe, touch, my body acking, so sore,
Just Being more than just friends,
its pushing me to the limit.
First, were together, then we’re not, commit,
damnit, make up your mind.
Do I need to stand up, cross that line into the quiet rain.
You have to shut me out, its our fate.
5 & 6 & 7 & 8.
I have to shut you out, like you never existed.
I have to block out your touch, your lips, your smile, your eyes and importantly how much I love you, or I think I love you.
How does someone cut their emotions out,
by eliminating the drama, the commotions, thinking.
The music within its starting to roar with passion.
Roaring against the depression and my compassion for the situation,
I have to learn to breathe without them,now, I have to balance my music now.
Living to see you another time, but just not in the next chapter in my life.
1 & 2 & 3 & 4
Look at me now, standing on my own… again.

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