
A Little Inspiration Quiz (Freedom)

1. Can I Crank Dat? Of course, what else would you have danced to in 2007?
2. I once ate an ant that was alive. On accident.
3. I totally miss the summer time, the freedom of everything.
4. Corny One I’ve heard was:
him: Can i borrow your cell phone? I told my mom I’d call when I met the girl of my dreams.
I would say back:
you: Actually, i have to use it. I told my friends I’d call when i met the cheesiest guy in the world.
5. I am a big fan of Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck. I would love to meet them. lol.
6. I would love to star in a commerical for one of my fav shows.
7. My kids? Hmm. Maybe like Mia.
8. There are these rules for walking down halls at my school-one way halls.
9. I forgot what it said. Sorry. lol.
10. No, I have not been in love, I’ve been in like. lol.

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