
TheLast and First Shot (Sports Challenge)

“Ok, guys, now let’s not try to think about how easy this team is to beat, ok?” coach said.

You could see the eagerness in our faces. We were all excited. This was the easiest team to play, so that meant most all of us get to score.

After warmups, we start the game. Before we know it, we are 20-5 in the fourth quarter. My friend Sarah is upset because she hasn’t scored in the game yet. I tell her she still has some time. Suddenly, coach walks up to her.

“In case you didn’t notice, Maddie hasn’t scored at all this season yet,” he said softly. “So if you get the chance, give her the ball to score,” he said.


“You’ve scored this season, she hasn’t, now go,” he said.

There’s less than a minute on the clock. Sudddenly our point steals the ball. Maddie and Sarah fly to the posts. Our point passes it to Sarah. After hesitating, ready to shoot, she changes her mind and passes it to Maddie. Maddie shoots, and she scores!! The end of the game buzzer buzzes. Maddie got her first shot.

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