
Silver Dream 9

Although the mysterious occupant of this dwelling most likely meant her no harm, she could not divest herself of feeling anxious: She was laying helpless on the floor without the use of her eyes and limbs which would be vital if she needed to defend herself.

From what?
An hour or two ago that would have never crossed her mind.
What had she gotten herself into?

While all this was running rampant through her, already throbbing, head, a young man had silently entered the room.

She heard footsteps approaching her and turned her head in that direction – as if she expected to be able to see.

The unknown person knelt beside her and said in a comfortingly warm voice,
“You’re awake already? My, my, aren’t you a tough little one.â€? By the sound of his voice, he was barely older than 23 so it annoyed her that he had called her ‘little one’.
She planned on telling him just that, too, when he leaned over her and began to unwrap the bandages around her eyes, his warm breath enveloping the left side of her pale face.

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