
Tad's response to : A Fun But Insane Quiz From Insert Pen Name Here's Very Insane Mind (Hopefully this really really long title will grab your attention: CLICK ON MEEE!!!)

1) No tissue box, I use a roll of toilet paper on my desk.

2) Propped up in my bed on my lap top while a very noisy tv distracts me from sleep.

3) Blond.

4) Wil Wheaton’s blog.

5) 2001 Toyota Celica, runs like a charm.

6) Frivolous fire hazard comes to mind. Funky, ethereal, convection current. I’ve owned a few in my day.

7) No. And if you pound me I’ll plug in highly unstable lava lamps all over your home while no one is home. Just messin, gotta love ficlets.

8) Gumption.

9) Next Universe by Mos Def.

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