
Letter From Dad: Sylvia's Journey

July 15, 1917


Now, I no ye alredy have it set in yer mine wat ye want to do in yer future. But, ye no that I am sick with the TB. I probaly wont make it thru winner.

I spect ye, bein the oldest boy, to take over wen Im gone. Make shorn the girls, Bess, Clara, and Sylvia get some sort of educashun. Now, they won’t make it thru to any kinna gratuashun, but be shorn they kin reed and rite reel good. See, Mamas havin to help me with this, here letter, and me nor, her kin do to good.

Elmer, times is hard and probaly gunna git worser. The grownd aint good. Ever thang is dry. Ye plow ahed. Make the boys help ye. James is strong, hes a mite bit lazy, but hes strong. Im shorn ye no that. Tomas kin hep ye thank abot what ye mite need fer next seson. And he kin fix thangs.

Son, I hav all the faith in ye as I have in Jesus comin bak to git me wen my time here is done. I caint tale ye how proud I am that ye are tha one takin my place.

I lov ye Son. See you when you git Home.


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