
Blue Finger

Suprisingly, Osveen is somewhat interested in finger knitting. He loops a strand of burgundy yarn around my thumb and threads it through my fingers.

“Great job, Osveen! Good teamwork!” Mrs. Megroot praises as she breezes by.

Osveen’s doing okay…until he pulls the yarn tight…and I mean extremely tight. His eyes are so glued to the instruction sheet that he doesn’t notice my thumb turning blue.

“Osveen!!!! Let go! Look at my finger!!!” I screech.

“…that’s how it’s supposed to look,” he replies, still staring at the directions.

“NO, Osveen!!!! My finger is NOT supposed to be turning blue!!!!”

He lifts his eyes from the paper, and they bulge in surprise. My thumb feels like it’s about to fall off. He quickly releases the yarn, but my thumb remains blue.

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