
Im not ashamed to say (pt.4)- a slam poem

When my brother was still my hero
Hot cocoa was the drink of choice
When “the little mermaidâ€?
Was only a movie
And I could name to you
The original cast of all “All Thatâ€?
Because I was addicted to “Keenan and Kelâ€?
When my brother was my hero
I went to bed at eight
And my mom always asked
“Did you brush your teeth?â€?
Every night
And every morning
Because my brother was my hero
When he made my stuffed animals talk
When he would stay in with me when I was grounded
Because he would make me laugh when I was sick
Back when I would sleep at church
And wake up to very painful JAB in my side
But just because those shows may be gone
And my plastic kitchen set is too small for me to play with
Because I can walk the monkey bars
And because I still have the original Nintendo
Because Mary Kate and Ashley will always be Michelle on Full House
And yeah
I still have my lava lamp
But even better than that
My brother is still my hero just for being him

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