
Give Me a Hint (Kiss Challenge)

It was one of those idyllic dusk moments. I felt as though that sunset could go on forever, a limbo between day and night. The stars just began to twinkle into view, and the sun painted the horizon.

“Give me a hint,” he said.

“What?” I laughed. “A hint as to what?”

“You told me I was wrong. So what can bring a person as close as possible to the divine?”

“I told you, you have to figure it out!” I teased. As much as I wanted him to solve the puzzle, I was enjoying holding something over his head when he had so much power over me.

“Please?” He beseeched. We walked in silence a moment, the shadows of the maple saplings growing longer by the minute, and I contemplated whether or not to give a hint. But what hint to give?

And then, inspiration struck me. I grabbed his hand, stopping him in his slow step. I stood on my tippy toes and rather gracefully if I do say so myself, planted a kiss upon his lips. He took me in his arms and kissed back.

“You were right. Love’s way better than techno.”

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