
House Of Heads

Come in and eat some of my food. Don’t worry about the heads on the stick i thought it would’ve bin nice to invent your family to a home cook meal. Don’t loose your lunch it’ll be such a waste. Hold on let me grab your mother from the closet she was a screamer even when her head came off. Oh wait were are you going don’t leave we only gotten started. You said you loved me well i guess you have to see what i do for living. Its art to me so don’t hate me i want your head with your family just kneel down and give me your head i promise it wont hurt that badly. Why the tears are you scared of the things i have shown you. I thought maybe you would’ve excepted what i did for you. Yeah you might think its a little crazy to do it but its the only way i can show love. Just look how far am willing to go to show you. Ill stick this rifle on the tip of my tongue and ill splatter my brains all over the walls and watch as art grow on the walls. So don’t leave me here in the dark with a bunch of strangers give me your head.

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