
Just Plain Pretty (Alexis DeHeart's Beautiful Challenge)

When you open up your embrace, and spread your arms far apart, like a bird taking flight and tilt your head to the heavens, that is what beautiful feels like.

Beauty is not a person, place, or thing. It just is.

Beauty cannot be bought or sold, no matter what anyone says. There may be wars fought over beauty, but you cannot win it.

Its already there for the taking.

For beauty is a state of mind. It is an innate pleasure. Beauty is wellbeing, love, and happiness.

Beauty is also sadness.

When you stand atop a bridge, feeling the cool wind sweep over you, and you look down over the water, and the scene before you, thats beauty.

When you run and splash through the cool ocean waves, without a care in the world, that’s beauty.

Driving down the interstate, with the window rolled down, watching the world fly by instead of listening to the radio, that’s beauty.

Beauty. It’s not a pretty face. It’s just plain pretty.

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