
Hidden Truth

He pulls her in for a kiss. She holds back moves towards the door. He slams the door with every attempt she made to leave. He starts to yell she gets scared with every moment that comes by. The man is about to hit her and leave another blood stain on the carpet. But this time the woman has a gun to his stomach. The man steps back with a glare in his eyes. She had enough of the abuse she holds down the trigger. A bullet rings around the room hitting a picture of the two of them. The man looks scared then ever. He falls to his knees pleading for his life. The womans hands are shaking more then ever. She runs away into the streets and never bother to look back. The man sits down onto the ground unable to realize what was about to happen to him. The night grew longer the mourning didn’t seem right no more. She keeps running and running hoping her past never comes back to hunt her another day. The man goes on his life like she was never apart of his life but deeply inside he dies each day without her there.

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