
Buried in the Cellar

I do not know the date. I have been hiding in the cellar for three days now. Tomorrow might be Monday as I recall hearing some sort of clip-cloping outside that would be haunted church-goers, hoping for safety.

My skin has turned grey, at least i think. It is hard to tell anything in this murkey half-light I force myself to endure. Nothing feels the same. Annmarie didn’t know what she was doing. She…she was so hungry. I was still shaking with hunger but i managed to pay the neighbours off to keep her safe. They have two strong sons who will keep her safe and plenty of sheep.

I know it sounds dreadful but all i have to do is keep my head below the smog thats clouding it with terrible thoughts. I can’t kill myself…I can’t do it. I’m hungry but not for food. I need it. I want it. I feel dead but alive; I dont know what to do. The chain wont hold much longer, i must get out. I must get out. I must eat.

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