
Conversation with the Big Guy Upstairs

Yes, Graden?
“Oh, hey, um…about the girl.”
“Yeah, Emilia – will it be a problem if she loves me?”
Well, love is always a good thing – but it can present problems. I know. I invented soap operas.
“Along with everything else in the universe. I know. But, You know, me being the Angel of Death…”
Well, I see what you’re getting at. The question will then come to: will you love her? Do you already?
“If I do…hypothetically…what might happen?”
Don’t ‘hypothetically’ Me, Graden. I know how you really feel. But yes, there could be some problems with your feelings.
Feelings. When it’s her time, will you bring yourself to do it? Will you be able to? You’ll have to.
“I’ve thought about that, I’ve thought about it…I just don’t want to.”
I know, Graden, I know. Just remember: I assigned her to you for a reason.
I’m not going to tell you right now if you’ll love each other. I invented choice, too.
“Yes. Thanks, God.”
Your welcome.

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