
Beware Asteroid Miners Bearing Gifts!

It all started upside down: topsy-turvy like. Tracy opened her eyes to find the landscape skewed around her. Strange lines and angles fought in her sleepy brain for long moments. Then certain lines, lines that would be familiar had they been rotated in a different direction, registered in her brain.

That was a chair. Those lines made a door. Those others a window. Everything snapped into perspective, though her slightly hung over mind still wondered what she was doing in the air.

Memories of last night snuck up on her consciousness like a bashful mugger. The drinks, the cheers. Oh Gods!—the singing. It was her first week on the Agenor Asteroid Station. She was a co-op from some college back on Earth! The job had said “Interns with an interest in out-system activities needed! Excitement and good pay await in the Trojan Asteroids of Jupiter’s Lagrangian Points!”

She felt that she could now amend the ad slightly: “Beware Asteroid Miners who bring gifts! Hangovers, tricks, and scams await in the Trojans!”

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