
I Broke the Ficlets!

I broke the Ficlets.

Really, it wasn’t my fault. Johnny, he’s our regular techie, well, he says it’s probably something to do with the inverse ectoplasmic time warp that happened around the time I clicked the PUBLISH button on my last ficlet.

He reckons it gave just enough negative temporal energy to the electrons in my CPU that the story I sent actually contained sentient ions.

I’m like, Are you Kidding me?

He’s like, Look at the ficlets and see if you can come up with a better answer.

Of course, I can’t.

And so, like, all of a sudden over 300 ficlet nirvanas broke up into tiny fragments of themselves, sending out one liners and tales of a paragraph or two.

Then the ficleteens (really teeny, tiny ficlets you know,) came up with the bright idea of reforming. But no, no glorious shining nirvana’s here, but huge chunking chains of ficleteens.

I am at a loss, I know I’ll be banned yet it truly wasn’t my fault

I honestly didn’t know it would be my Karma to break the Ficlets today.

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