

“We gotta fill those sand bags, people! GO! GO! GO!” shouted the chunky man in the construction worker-esque getup.

“Mr. Kirland, this is completely unnecessary!” Adaime whispered urgently.

“These people feel like they need to do something, I’m giving them something to do.”

“But it’s pointless! And they’re running themselves ragged. It won’t even help, I told you, no matter how many friggin’ sandbags you put down, you’re up against the force of the ocean. It’s not like a normal flood, you know. It’s like a daily tsunami!”

“No, it’s not, you don’t even know, you haven’t been there.” Mr. Kirland waved Adaime away.

“Neither have you!! Were you even watching the broadcast last night?”

“Nope, and I never will, the media’s liberal biased.”

“Mr. Kirland!!!” Adaime nearly screamed. “You know for a fact I’m no liberal, and you don’t even believe me!”

“You’re too young to know anything, and you’re brainwashed, now go help Alpha team fill sandbags.”

Adaime glared at Mr. Kirland before stomping off home.

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