
a snap shot to remember

‘click’...(Grahem snapped the picture of his two best friends)

“Perfect!”he called out to them.
Shay and Kiarna broke away from each other and their pose,then ran back over to Grahem,who was standing metres away from the beautiful waterfall,surrounded by the clear waters of a lagoon.
“Isn’t this beautiful?”Shay said as she took in the breathtaking surroundings.
As they all gathered their thoughts,they were completely oblivious to the watchful eye of the elderly woman,who was seated near by on a park bench.

“So young,so naive…”the elderly woman thought to herself.
She sighed in disbelief as she sat witnessing the acts of youthfulness,and remembered the days when she used to frolick around with her friends.Hand in hand, day in, day out, endless nights of kodak moments…
Oh how she’d give an arm and leg to be young again.

Little did the three know,that they were actually giving the old woman the courage to reminisce on the moments that brought her so much joy and happiness,yet so much pain…

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