
Bringing Back Bad

I love Jacob and he loves me, but is this for life? I really want to believe it will be, but…but there’s just some things, cough cough, people that are getting in the way. Jacob interrupted my thoughts. “So you ready to go?” He asked me. I nodded and we walked to the car. I didn’t notice until I went to the passenger side but there was Owen. “So away before he sees you.” I whispered but Jacob didn’t notice. “I won’t cause a scene, if you meet me at our place.” Owen said. NO! He had to bring up our place. The basement hangout where IT all happened. “Don’t make me go there.” I pleaded. Jacob asked from inside the car, “What’s taking so long?” I called back, “I dropped something.” To Owen I said, “Please don’t Owen. That’s just horrid. That place…has bad memories.” He smiled wickedly and muttered, “I’ll come to Jacob’s then. Oh please. I’ll see you there.” He exited and I knew, though he was gone, he probably would go that low and come to Jacob’s if I didn’t show. Our place? Our place…urgh.

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