
Do What You Do Well

Options. Considerations. Decisions. Up, down. In, out.

Renard wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his arm as he stumbled down the hallway. He paused at the stairwell to consider everything. There was really only one option, one thing he knew how to do well.

Down the stairs with fumbling steps, Renard descended in the bowels of the apartment building. The basement was perpetually dark, an obstacle course of semi-wanted refuse and burned out light bulbs. But that was fine. The thing about the darkness you learn if you take the time is that just as much as you can’t see what’s there, it can’t see you either.

Finding a dark corner, a good an option as any, Renard sat down and hid his face in his hands. He felt like he was going out of his mind. Something deep down made him chuckle in the dimly lit solitude. This, after all was why he looked up to his heroes of the silver screen. They made this sort of chaos seem easy, and they always made the right call. And here he was, hiding.

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