

“Where was the last time you saw Sioni?” I asked frantically.
“I-uh…It was the time when she stopped eating, yesterday night,” her mother said.
Stopped eating?” I said, stupefied.
“Yes,” her mother sighed. “I found out you had been visiting, and my husband and I installed a new lock, one that could be unlocked only from the outside.”

I felt a pang of understanding.
Sioni’s sad expressions.
Her fists beating against the glass.
Her tears.

It was because she couldn’t get outside. Energy shot through me like a bolt; I felt like a new man.

“Stable boy! Ready Snowstar!” I called to a stable hand.
“Where are you going?” my mother practically howled. “It’s the middle of a royal ball!”
“I’m going to find Sioni!” I said determinedly.

The stable hand led my horse, Snowstar, towards me and I mounted him in a fluid motion.

I bent over and whispered in Snowstar’s ear.
“Go as fast as you can.”
Snowstar reared, and we galloped off in the direction of the mountains.

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