
Simply Jenna: Parents

I should probably say something about my parents. I love them, of course, but I’m really not very close to them. Neither my father nor my mother show much emotion.

My mother and father are both chemists. What they do is quite interesting. I understand most-almost all-of it. But, it would take far too much time to explain it all now.

Everything in their lives is planned and schedueled at least a year in advance. Dinner is always a dreaded half hour of the same, basic, emotionless questions every night. “Jenna, how was your day?” They ask. Or, “Jenna, how much homework do you have?” “Good,” I tell them. Or “Not too much. ” It’s become a routine that I dislike more and more each day.

In a way, my parents remind me of Ellie.

Which is why it is very difficult to talk to them or turn to them for help. They expect me to be perfect, and just assume I have no problems. Do they even know that I am one of the few studious people at school?


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