
You Run After Zoe, and the Map

“Let’s follow her!” You cry to Joe, already running after.
You hear the sound of a waterfall in the background but don’t think much about it.
“Hey, look!” Joe says, pointing. You follow his finger and see footprints. Without another word, you take off in that direction.
“Wait!” Joe cries.
You ignore him, and he follows a minute later. As the sound of water falling gets stronger, you realize you are at the edge of a waterfall. There is a huge river beneath you. There is one last footprint directly in front of you, and then the trail stops.
Joe, having caught up with you, says, “Zoe! We know you’re here… where are you?”
You look down again… and the treasure map bubbles up to the surface of the river. You gulp.
“Zoe must have fallen,” you murmur. Joe does not hear you.
“It’s a trick!” he says. “Let’s find her!” In one sweeping motion, Joe jumps off the edge of the waterfall, taking you down with him. You both meet the icy cold water and jagged rocks head on, and die instantly. Bummer.

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